Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Be Wary, I Sense a Disturbance

Last night, I moved some things from what will soon be my parents' old house to mine, and was exhausted when I arrived home. I did, however, find time for a discussion on the Book of Faces before I passed out.

The discussion had to do with GMOs. Some were asserting that they are not harmful. My stance is this--I cannot conclusively assert either way whether or not GMOs are harmful to human health. The research others were citing in support of GMO safety had no control measures whatsoever, and drew "We are 100% right" conclusions rather than stating "this suggests that GMOs are not harmful to humans."

That's the thing. So many people will assert: "Oh. GMOs are fine, you're ignoring the science!" No. I'm not ignoring it. I'm being critical of it after studying it--which is practice of good science.

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