Friday, June 24, 2016

Dante Doesn't Approve, But God's Cool With It

Today was a very long day--however, I would like to share this post (by a theist) that I came across on The Book of Faces.

My first point: so you knew everything about your friend's mom's eating/outdoor habits? And your friend's father's as well?
My second point: research suggests that replacing saturated fats with polyunsaturated fats reduces one's risk of heart disease, among other health problems.
My final point: so gay marriage is a sin and transgender people are scary, but gluttony is just fine and dandy?

I see the overall point of the message--don't worry about what you do in life, because life is short. Just live. But some degree of self-discipline is necessary to live life to the fullest. I would rather eat what I know is a healthy diet for the most part and exercise than, well, not...because I don't want life to pass me by while I laze around and stuff my face. And I didn't need a god to tell me that. My own mind and thought process led me to this conclusion. Oh wait...

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