Thursday, June 9, 2016

You Can Swim Straight Into Hell, Thanks

The news lately surrounding the Stanford rapist disgusts me for so many reasons.

Oh, and evidently he lied to the judge about how much he had partied. See, this poor sap's sob story was: "Oh, I was just shattered by the party culture on was new to me..." No, actually, he partied and creeped all the time (kudos to USA Today for describing him as what he is, a rapist, and publishing a story looking into his past).

Unfortunately, since this anus is white, male, connected, and a swimmer, he is being granted leniency. And thanks to his father's attitude passed down to him, he probably still does not yet realize the ramifications of what he has done to the poor lady he violated. As a rape victim myself, I can tell you that experiencing that is like having your soul ripped out and replaced with darkness, hatred, and fear. It is a horrid feeling.

But there is some good here. Thanks to this story receiving so much coverage, we may actually get somewhere in regards to addressing the pervasiveness of rape culture and privilege. This anus will probably never be able to show his face anywhere ever again once he gets out of prison. And now the world can see that 1. Rapists look like normal people because they are, well normal people (just normal people who want to use other people for power) and 2. Transgender people aren't the issue. People like this are the issue. Fathers like his are the issue. 

Additionally, there is a petition to have the asshat of a judge recalled. Please take the time to sign it.

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