Friday, May 13, 2016

And the Beat Goes On

Today, I had the wonderful opportunity to teach residents at work how to play the drums. 

With all the stressful things going on (end-of-semester scrambling, "work," work, family happenings, etc.) planning for the lesson almost felt like another chore. I passed out last night after creating a playlist and writing out the lesson steps and completely forgetting to write a blog post. When I arrived at the home earlier today, there was even more to be done--things were missing--and it was a bit of a mess. 

I was about to get stressed out again...but I just decided to let it go and have fun with the lesson, even if it wasn't going to go exactly as I had planned it. And we all had fun! The residents did an amazing job too--and most of them wanted to come back and do another lesson. Who would have thought that something which initially felt like just another stressor would be one of the highlights of my week, all because of a shift in perception? 

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