Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Stuck Between Barack and a Hard Place

Today, I read an article about the Obama administration's mandate toward public schools in regards to fair treatment of transgender students under Title IX.

Some are angry, the article suggests, because the federal government will withhold funding from schools which do not comply with these standards. Additionally, the administration's interpretation of "sex" in Title IX includes gender identity--however, sex and gender (at least the way I studied the concepts in college) are two different constructs. 

I do not agree with the federal government's ultimatum, especially it it could adversely affect students (especially students who are already enmeshed in a system which teaches pseudoscience and illogical thinking, as suggested by these quotes from the article);

" '[Obama] says he is going to withhold funding if schools do not follow the policy. Well, in Texas he can keep his 30 pieces of silver. We will not yield to blackmail from the president of the United States,' Patrick said. He went on to suggest that if the administration did withhold funds, low-income students who rely on free breakfasts and lunches would be the most affected."

"He called the guidelines for accommodating trans students 'the biggest issue facing families and schools in America since prayer was taken out of public schools.' "

I do think the administration should have approached this situation differently, focusing on lawmakers/government officials in states that do not comply with these standards and not threatening to withhold school funding on a loose interpretation of an anti-discrimination law. That being said, I think that if the primary concern of officials were the welfare of students, they would 1. research transgender issues and 2. comply with the standards so that their schools would have guaranteed funding. Unfortunately, it seems that lack of education is harming those who are trying to further theirs. 

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