Thursday, May 26, 2016

Wee-woo wee-woo!

Today, I came across an article written in "Relevant," a magazine popular in Christian youth circles.

I appreciate articles like these for their candid approach towards other Christians, the "morality police." They realize that simply calling us non-believers "fools" or other assorted insulting names will in no way sway us to their belief system.

However, I think the author is missing the point that non-believers often make when we see examples of "rude Christians:" See, the rude ones are essentially doing what their god has called them to do. I'm not going to sit here and say that the nice Christians aren't "true Christians--" I will save assertions like those for others to make. I'm saying that the "nice Christians" have tuned out parts of the bible that portray their god in a negative light, thereby ignoring the chance to reason objectively about their own beliefs.

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