Saturday, May 7, 2016


Today, I read a news story about an alleged voyeur in a Target changing room.

If he truly committed this act, I hope the justice system punishes him to the fullest extent of the law.
However, many news sites are using this story to further the "Target is endangering our children!" narrative. I thought about this myself. Perhaps Target did take this too far in terms of lack of planning for proper staff as far as security is concerned. 

However, Target's support of transgender folks using the bathroom/fitting room which matches their gender identity is likely not the reason for this alleged voyeur's actions. Unfortunately, voyeurs act on their impulses no matter the circumstance, like:
this Reebok outlet voyeur from earlier this year  (male employee in a female fitting room), 
this Kohl's voyeur from 2013 (male employee in a female fitting room), 
and I personally know of a case of voyeurism myself that a friend from college told me about and I subsequently looked up, but I won't post any details on that one (hint, it wasn't at Target, it was someone who lured people into a "safe space"), 
and another one committed by a member of my family (who will remain nameless, for obvious reasons). 

Perhaps the message here is that we need to increase security in fitting room areas, and awareness in other aspects of life. 

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