Wednesday, February 10, 2016

God's Not Dead, Because He is a Product of the Imagination

I came across this quote from the movie "God's Not Dead" on my Facebook news feed earlier. For those of you who have not had the distinct pleasure of viewing this film, I will let you know that it is full of inaccuracies and portrayals of "non-Christians" (atheists included) as godless solely because something is "missing from their life." The atheist is full of angst and anger towards a god that just screwed his life up. Which brings up an interesting point, given that this quote is attributed to that movie--the atheist in the film had a life "full of trouble," but still did not turn towards god--though some people of faith would simply attribute that to the atheist's pride and love for his own ways and knowledge (those damn atheists, I know).

My main issue with this quote, though, is this: if this quote is accurate, why do so many people of faith attribute their own good fortune to God? According to this, it could very well be the devil they are praying to! And he is doing good things in their lives to pull them away from God!

Of course, it could very well be a product of complete randomness plus one's own actions and work in the chaos of this universe we are fortunate to be a part of and experience. But then again, this is simply the opinion of an angsty, godless humanist.

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