Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Joshy Woshy

Normally I don't like giving Joshua Feuerstein attention save for when I'm having a rough day and I need a good chuckle. But I want to point out this post of his specifically.

I find this to be a serious issue for several reasons. Firstly, nearly every article that Joshua has posted features several comments made by him asking his followers to buy his wife's new album. Now I am all for people making and promoting music, and I am all for people following whatever religion they choose to follow, as long as they don't use their beliefs to control other people. What I take issue with here is the blatant manipulation. If you do not accept Jesus as your lord and savior you will burn in hell! If you just "go through the motions" in church you will go to hell! (By the way, please buy my wife's album. Even if your faith wasn't strong enough you'll have some nice godly music to listen to during the apocalypse). I see this as a way to control people of faith who may be questioning their beliefs. When it comes down to it, this is just not a healthy mentality to have.

Ironically, Joshua Feuerstein claims that one "sign" of the end times is the increasing prevalence of people who are "lovers of the self."

Perhaps this means that Joshy here is one of those false prophets we hear about. 
(Or maybe he's just delusional). 

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