Friday, February 12, 2016

Outside the Windy City

I went for a stroll in the strangest of places,
Far from the comfort of familiar faces,
And in that time I was saddened to find
The fear which lingered there was blind.
Crumbling stone, abandoned home,
Protects a sort of evil mind.

To whom does this mind belong?
I mused,
For truly the owner had abused
The power unto them bestowed
By the many fearful souls they sold.
Clever disguise, city’s demise
Fills the owner’s house with gold.

The owner’s house is avarice,
Its true intentions easy to miss,
For few there take the time to look twice
At actions made to lure and entice.
            Monstrous tower, ultimate power,
            Becomes the city’s greatest vice.

This strangest of places I was in,
Portrayed as a hellhole, hotbed of sin,
Ridden with danger and chaos, all know
Hid a sort of beauty, a life it held long ago.
            Starry sky, wistful sigh,
            Please tell me that new life will grow.

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