Sunday, February 14, 2016

Obligatory Valentine's Day Post

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! I just want to give a shoutout to this man right here.

This is my sweet fiancé who took me to see Deadpool today. (Highly reccomend it by the way). Not only does he know not to buy me flowers or chocolate because I find both kind of lame (okay, I love chocolate but I've cut out added sugar so I'm pretending it's lame) but he took me to see the movie despite the fact that he's pretty damn sick. Now I have tucked him in and am currently making him some chicken noodle soup. We both haven't been at our best today: I worked a 9-5 waitressing at the nursing home and am currently feeling the effects of exhaustion and PMS. But we're both taking care of each other the best we can today, nothing fancy needed. And I'd like to think that this sort of thing is what makes our relationship strong.

Thank you for reading this post, and I commend you for being able to stomach this sappiness if you've made it this far.

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