Sunday, April 10, 2016

Baal, Demon God of Hoops

The other day, I came across an article that I found poignant but troubling.

Bearing the title, "When Ball Becomes Baal," the article details that a. Sports should not become so all-consuming that they interfere with all one-on-one family time (I can agree with that) and b. Sports should not come before God (eh...). 

My biggest question to the author of this article is, what about the child's wishes? 

"One of my sons played basketball, but the season was interminably long. I was also traveling. So, I would be gone speaking over the weekend, then, when I was home, I was out two or more nights sitting on the sidelines watching my son practice. It was not really “time together.” This wasn’t going to work.
The solution came to me after prayer. I asked him if he would be willing to learn golf in the place of basketball. We could play together, along with his brother, and we could do it whenever we wanted. We could enjoy this for the rest of our lives. I’ve paid some extra money, but I’ve bought back some time with my sons and some good exercise for me also. It’s a bargain."
Hm...mighty convenient there that the solution after prayer was for your son to change what he wanted to do, not the other way around...

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