Wednesday, April 13, 2016

I Pity the Fool Who Doesn't Believe

I posted a comment on The Book of Faces recently.

I asked for "proofs." Twice now I have been told by Christians during debates that there are "proofs" which prove God's existence. This time (as no one has actually gone in-depth into what these "proofs" entail) I decided to find them myself--so I searched. 

What I found was...interesting. One website gave basic facts about the Earth and asserts that because scientists don't know what precipitated the Big Bang, we know that god exists. 

Hold up. Let's say I'm walking down the street one day and see a circle of mushrooms. I don't know how the circle got there, or how it came to be a perfect circle. Fairies! I think to myself. That has to be it, since I don't know how they came to be that way, and so perfectly arranged. This is the same logic as the previous assertion. The truth is, no one knows for certain what precipitated the Big Bang, and not knowing the answer does not mean we should just assume--it means we should keep digging. By the way, the actual reason for "fairy circles" is quite a bit different than the old folk tale. 

I found another result in my search as well--this "proof" asserts that we are all fools for not believing (and for the right price, you can buy the lessons to "teach" others about the word of god):

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