Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Unicorn Comin' Through

While I was teaching today, I came up with a fun way to encourage my students to focus on their work. 

I don't like to send my students to the office (an action which usually results in suspension) unless I absolutely have to. I prefer giving them another chance and explaining why they need to modify their behavior. Because of this, I feel my students have a good amount of respect for the things I say. 

Still, getting them all to focus is no small task. Today, I used a student's lack of focus to give all the students initiative to focus. 

My students like to tease me because of my penchant for heavy metal, and they will oftentimes parody metal songs in class. One student asked me after I handed out the last assignment for the day: "Miss Athy, why don't you show us what the music we like sounds to you? We always make fun of your metal, so it's only fair." (Most of my 9th hour students like rap). 

I replied, "If you all focus on your work, I will rap at the end of the hour." My students giggled with glee and began writing furiously. And as promised, at the end of the hour I "spit some bars." I only know one rap song (about a unicorn) by heart, but I'm pretty good at it--and my students were shocked. Their expressions were priceless! 

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