Sunday, April 24, 2016

Rise Star Church

Today, I read about a mentally ill man who has been wandering the streets of Edwardsville, IL.

I am not going to pretend to know exactly what is going on in this man's head, but from the looks of his facebook page it is obvious that he is completely disconnected from reality, with symptoms that suggest schizophrenia. 

The horrible thing is that his delusions center around this narrative (as far as I can tell at this point): he is the high priest of a church and looking for a "bride," one who must be a child who wears green. He believes that it is okay to have sexual relations with children wearing green to cure them of some ailment--he believes that this helps them. 

I want to make this clear--just because someone has schizophrenia does not mean that they will become a pedophile. This man probably suffers from comorbid schizophrenia and pedophilia, and he rationalizes his urges through his delusions. Most people who suffer from schizophrenia are only a danger to themselves, not others. 

However, this man is dangerous. I read a comment just now saying that he has been arrested, but I can't find any confirmation of the arrest in the news. If you live in this area, please be wary. If I can confirm the arrest, I will comment it on this post. Here is a picture of him:

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