Monday, April 11, 2016

Hammin' it Up

Today, I came across an article written by Ken Ham. In this article, he asked a question: Why do atheists care?

He muses in his article, questioning us atheists why we care so much about his Ark Encounter. Well, why do we? 

For me, I don't like it when someone asserts that one sole idea is the truth, especially if that idea is rooted in faulty thinking. Science--as independent of bias as we can make it--provides a different narrative of our world than what Ham seeks to portray in the Ark Encounter. It wouldn't bother me as much if Ham taught good science, but still asserted that his god created the earth. 

Ham also makes this assertion:

"At the time of this issue’s publication, atheists are aggressively opposing a new project involving the building of a life-size Noah’s Ark, the Ark Encounter. But what is it to atheists if Christians build such a facility to proclaim the Christian message? After all, thousands of secular museums across the USA and other countries around the world are already proclaiming an atheistic evolutionary message to the public. Government schools throughout the world by and large indoctrinate hundreds of millions of the coming generations in naturalism—really atheism."

You know the defense mechanism of projection?

These museums do not promote atheism. They promote science and history, concepts which all of us--Hindu, Christian, Jewish, Muslim--can take part in. Evolution does not claim to explain how we came about. It explains how different species arose. 

Ham also makes this assertion:

"The fact that people like Bill Nye and Richard Dawkins and atheist groups in the USA like the ACLU, the Americans United for Separation of Church and State, and the Freedom From Religion Foundation are so consumed with fighting against biblical Christianity, actually confirms the truth of God’s Word.
In Romans 1 we read that God has given man the ability to know that He exists, so that if anyone rejects the God of the Bible, they are without excuse: 'What may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse' "
Okay--same logic, different scenario. I have knowledge of a goddess. She has the power to bless all that she comes into contact with (through humans, of course, as she cannot be seen). The humans in which she resides all are bestowed with healing powers (but they can heal only according to her will). She speaks to all humans every day, all that you must do is listen. If you deny her, you are denying that voice inside you--you have no excuse to ask her for proof or to deny her, because she speaks to you if you are willing to listen. 
Can you see that I am trying to manipulate you here, Mr. Ham? 
Also, my goddess blessed me with cheese-filled pretzels at work for spreading her message. Praise be to her. 

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