Monday, April 18, 2016

This Is Real

Yesterday, I wrote a post criticizing Ken Ham for believing that the Oxford School of Theology's expanded curriculum constituted persecution of his faith.

Can we take a moment to appreciate the dinosaur's expression here?
Today, I read a story about legitimate persecution of Christians. To summarize the story, a man's government had outlawed Christianity. The man was arrested and the rest of his family received word that they may be arrested as well, so they fled the country. They do not know if or when they will see him again.

I can't imagine what it would be like to be separated from my fiance indefinitely simply because of what we believe (or have decided not to believe). My heart aches for this family, regardless of what they believe. It's not fair for their government to treat their lives as worthless.

If you are interested in helping the organization that originally posted this story, (of course I am sure we will ignore the "lift them up in prayer" option) their blog has several different options, including simply sharing this story and being a part of this conversation concerning legitimate persecution of others.

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