Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Trying to Open the Bottle

Today, I had one of my classes try a brief group reading.

The material was a bit difficult, as it came from an A.P. book--the reading was Edgar Allan Poe's "MS in a Bottle." (I figured Poe was appropriate reading, as there was a raging thunderstorm outside). Unfortunately, we didn't get too far into the short story--while some of my students loved the difficult material and had questions for it, some seemed to just give up on the "boring" reading and said that they "could not relate to it."

I wonder why this is. I don't think there is much of a difference between the engaged students and the "bored" students as far as reading/comprehension ability. Perhaps some individuals have a tendency to not "delve deeper." Or perhaps I should have encouraged them more. Perhaps they were making an effort mentally but giving me a different story verbally. It could be that some students react to difficult material by asking questions, and some react by acting bored or frustrated.

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