Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Stop Waiting

The other day, I came across a blog post written by a Pentecostal girl.

If the author of this post, or anyone like her, is reading this--I have some advice that I would like to give you. 

You say you felt called to ministry and did everything "God" told you to do. The way I see it, "God" is a combination of your desires and pressure from your family and church. 
You say that you don't want to complain and that people should be content where they are. I agree with that to a point. 

Here is my advice: find what you want to do. When I was still a Christian, there were things that I was afraid to do and I rationalized backing out of them because I interpreted this fear as "God's will" (it was actually social anxiety). 

I would be wary of going into a field which has a history of discrimination against women. This brings up another point of mine--if people are holding you back, if people are not taking you seriously because you are a woman or because you are young, you have every right to complain. You have every right to tell them that they are wrong. 

Lastly, no deity is going to bring you what you desire. You have to go get it for yourself. 

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