Thursday, July 14, 2016

It's Not a Pyramid, It's a Square Made of Triangles!

My vacation of sorts went pretty nicely, I think. It was lovely being in a setting with a whole lot of space to roam and enjoy nature.
However, the ambiance was interrupted one night by a message from someone with whom I have not spoken to since high school. We weren't really even acquaintances.

You see, I had received a message from this person earlier in the day asking if I wanted to join a "movement." I thought that it was rather odd, and I had read the message right when it was time for me to go back in to work from my break, so I hadn't responded.

Apparently that was upsetting to this person, and they decided to send me a long string of frownie-faces. I was quite put off by their, er, persistence so I decided to ask what the whole deal was about.

They refused to specify and asked simply for me to take 15 minutes to watch a video. Ok, not too bad just a video. Then they told me that they would call before the video (classic foot-in-the-door sales technique). They kept hyping this video and the company up--"it's amazing, life-changing!" Here's a link to the video: huh, it's been deleted...

This person is involved with a company called WorldVentures, an apparent multilevel marketing company (which, in this case, is a pyramid scheme masquerading as one). It promises the career of a lifetime: vacationing while making money. (They conveniently do not mention the numerous training fees and cult devotion among its members).

I find it interesting, really. The person who messaged me about this company happens to be a theist. Now this is not to say that all, or even most, theists are easily ensnared in schemes like these. However, I feel a similar mindset is at work in both theism and devotion to companies like these: ridiculous promises of a reward so long as you devote yourself wholly to the cause, self-blame when things do not go the way they were supposed to (I just need to have more faith/I just need to utilize more of my time for the company), and a heavy focus on recruiting others. You'd almost think that churches are in it for the money...

Friday, June 24, 2016

Dante Doesn't Approve, But God's Cool With It

Today was a very long day--however, I would like to share this post (by a theist) that I came across on The Book of Faces.

My first point: so you knew everything about your friend's mom's eating/outdoor habits? And your friend's father's as well?
My second point: research suggests that replacing saturated fats with polyunsaturated fats reduces one's risk of heart disease, among other health problems.
My final point: so gay marriage is a sin and transgender people are scary, but gluttony is just fine and dandy?

I see the overall point of the message--don't worry about what you do in life, because life is short. Just live. But some degree of self-discipline is necessary to live life to the fullest. I would rather eat what I know is a healthy diet for the most part and exercise than, well, not...because I don't want life to pass me by while I laze around and stuff my face. And I didn't need a god to tell me that. My own mind and thought process led me to this conclusion. Oh wait...

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

86 The Truth

All I have to say about tonight is: gotta love when people in positions of power lie and make changes that affect the "little people" in a detrimental fashion. It'll come back to haunt them, though.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

God Is Love Is Jealousy Is You

The other day, I came across a post on The Book of Faces which read as follows:

"Okay I usually never do this... But this is something I am incredibly passionate about and I can't stand to see people spewing hate in the name of God. God LOVES, God IS LOVE! God calls us not to judge and to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. Not everyone has to agree with each other, but we do need to respect and love on each other. So please, if you're going to talk about God or the Bible, talk about how He loves and forgives and longs to have a relationship with everyone of us. Hate doesn't help anything, but love, true agape love, can bring peace that surpasses all understanding."

I agree with the point about mutual respect. However, one cannot assert that god is love. The bible even says: 4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

In the bible, god states that he is a jealous and angry god, a statement which flies directly in the face of the bible's definition of love. If god did exist, it seems he exhibits a very human and fallible trait known as cognitive dissonance.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Work It Out

I'm taking a bit of a break from the blog tonight so that I can work out after a long day! I hope everyone has a pleasant evening!

Friday, June 17, 2016

A Rey of Understanding

Today, I worked morning to night. After work, I came across this article via Upworthy about Daisy Ridley's experience with a disease that affects many women: endometriosis. This disease is caused by abnormal growth of the uterine lining (basically, it grows in places where it is not supposed to). It can cause excessively painful periods, fatigue, and nausea, to name a few symptoms--symptoms which are often dismissed by doctors as being "normal parts of life." Thank you Daisy for opening up about this struggle!

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Gonna Veg

Today, I did a whole lot of stuff. And just now for dinner, I made this!

You might be surprised to learn that everything on this plate is vegetarian! For the "chicken," I cooked up some Gardein plant protein chicken strips.

I'm not a strict vegetarian. I will eat meat if it's certified humanely raised/organic/grass fed/wild caught. The way factory farms treat animals is horrid and inhumane.

However, I take issue with vegetarians who say it's "wrong to kill animals." Wild animals are free to do as they wish, but there is always the risk of being killed by another animal. It is simply the nature of things. That's just my thought for the day.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

The Twilight Zone

I worked all day today, so the fiancé and I are relaxing and watching The Twilight Zone. Now more than ever, I feel life imitating art...especially with the current political climate in which we are.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

It Gets Better When You Think About Thinking

Today, I came across a post on The Book of Faces.

As someone who has an anxiety disorder, I can tell you that religion will likely make the anxiety worse. Think about it: an all-powerful entity is watching you at all times, and if you do not accept him into your life you will be tortured for eternity. You are expected to praise him with all that you do and to be a "good Christian."

What's been helpful to me? Thinking about my thoughts and harmful thought patterns, breathing exercises, and getting enough vitamin D and exercise.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Strengthen the Pulse

I have no words for what happened today.

You can help support the LGBT community by clicking this link. You can pray, but tangible help is more prudent.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Plan Z

Today, I worked a double and just now got around to eating dinner. However, I would like to share this link with you all: I will be doing more research on potential Green Party candidate Jill Stein as an alternative to our lovely options we have from the Republican and Democratic parties.

Additonally, I learned that "sore loser laws" contribute the the polarization of our political parties and are part of the reason for the lack of third parties with momentum.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

You Can Swim Straight Into Hell, Thanks

The news lately surrounding the Stanford rapist disgusts me for so many reasons.

Oh, and evidently he lied to the judge about how much he had partied. See, this poor sap's sob story was: "Oh, I was just shattered by the party culture on was new to me..." No, actually, he partied and creeped all the time (kudos to USA Today for describing him as what he is, a rapist, and publishing a story looking into his past).

Unfortunately, since this anus is white, male, connected, and a swimmer, he is being granted leniency. And thanks to his father's attitude passed down to him, he probably still does not yet realize the ramifications of what he has done to the poor lady he violated. As a rape victim myself, I can tell you that experiencing that is like having your soul ripped out and replaced with darkness, hatred, and fear. It is a horrid feeling.

But there is some good here. Thanks to this story receiving so much coverage, we may actually get somewhere in regards to addressing the pervasiveness of rape culture and privilege. This anus will probably never be able to show his face anywhere ever again once he gets out of prison. And now the world can see that 1. Rapists look like normal people because they are, well normal people (just normal people who want to use other people for power) and 2. Transgender people aren't the issue. People like this are the issue. Fathers like his are the issue. 

Additionally, there is a petition to have the asshat of a judge recalled. Please take the time to sign it.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

I Am

Today, I am feeling sick and trying to rest up and feel better--but I would like to share this meme (seen on Joshua Feuerstein's page) with you all.

I realize it's not intentional, but the meme seems to suggest that these beliefs are a delusion! Regardless, people should be proud of their own strength. 

Be Wary, I Sense a Disturbance

Last night, I moved some things from what will soon be my parents' old house to mine, and was exhausted when I arrived home. I did, however, find time for a discussion on the Book of Faces before I passed out.

The discussion had to do with GMOs. Some were asserting that they are not harmful. My stance is this--I cannot conclusively assert either way whether or not GMOs are harmful to human health. The research others were citing in support of GMO safety had no control measures whatsoever, and drew "We are 100% right" conclusions rather than stating "this suggests that GMOs are not harmful to humans."

That's the thing. So many people will assert: "Oh. GMOs are fine, you're ignoring the science!" No. I'm not ignoring it. I'm being critical of it after studying it--which is practice of good science.

Monday, June 6, 2016

Black Holes and Revelations

Today, I read an article in The New York Times about a shift in theories dealing with how black holes operate. Or perhaps more accurately, how they can be "read."

According to the article, it was once thought that any particles and the subsequent information about those particles would be lost forever, scrambled beyond recognition (save for particle charge, mass, etc.) before they were "spit out" again. However, physicists may have found a way to retrieve that information using "soft hair," their name for light particles shifting around on the surface of a black hole. When particles are pulled into the black hole, they shift around light particles trying to "escape" the immense gravitational pull. The article compares this shifting to the small notches in a record--the "shifts" can be read to retrieve information about what sort of particles were "sucked" into the black hole. 

Sunday, June 5, 2016

A More Worthy Question

Today, I worked a double and I am exhausted. However, I would like to share this poignant meme with everyone here.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Architecture of Nature

Today, I read an article in The New York Times about a supposed "underwater city."

This "city" was actually created by ancient bacteria millions of years ago, as a result of methane gas erupting from the ocean floor. The bacteria fed on the gas and guided the formation of dolomite into structures resembling pillar bases.

Thursday, June 2, 2016


Unfortunately, I had a family emergency tonight and am unable to post anything besides, well, this. Thank you all and I will have a post tomorrow night!

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Suppress This

Today, I happened upon a post on The Book of Faces by none other than Ken Ham.

He asks about the purpose of a "Reason Rally" for those of us who believe that we will one day simply cease to exist. It is my opinion that because this life is so brief relative to the age of the universe, we should savor what we have and band together to discover its truth--"truth" certainly not referring to thousand-year-old myth. We should not blindly accept "God's truth" out of fear.

As for us "borrowing" logic from the Christian worldview--just--no.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Dem Endorphins

I'm exhausted. I've been doing an exercise regimen daily and eating a whole lot better--and I feel a whole lot better as well. It's really quite astounding. I have more energy during the day and my anxiety levels feel a bit lower!

Monday, May 30, 2016


I hope everyone has an okay Memorial Day. I respect those of you who have lost loved ones immensely. I hope that one day, Memorial Day will serve as a time to remember those we have lost in "war," a concept for something which once happened but no longer does.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Works for Me

Tonight, I had some errands to run and I have to be up early for work tomorrow--I came across this image and wanted to share it with you all before I went to bed.

I have a diagnosed anxiety disorder--I don't take meds. I monitor my thoughts, do deep breathing exercises, and study up on different relaxation techniques. My friend has anxiety and takes medication for it. Both of us have one goal--to get better. As long as we are working toward that, that's alright. 

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Pretty Sure the Last Days Were Last Century

Tonight, I worked out with my sweet fiancé and now we have some errands to run--but I came across this picture on The Book of Faces and thought I'd share my views.

This is pretty vague and actually could describe a number of situations that have...already happened. It's so vague, in fact, that it could actually be a ploy to create fear in hopes of garnering more committed followers...nah. 

Friday, May 27, 2016

Tut Tut

Today, I opened and closed at work and I will be doing the same tomorrow: however, I would like to take the time to share an interesting documentary I have been watching (on Netflix) called Ultimate Tut. It's pretty interesting, and debunks a lot of myths surrounding Tut.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Wee-woo wee-woo!

Today, I came across an article written in "Relevant," a magazine popular in Christian youth circles.

I appreciate articles like these for their candid approach towards other Christians, the "morality police." They realize that simply calling us non-believers "fools" or other assorted insulting names will in no way sway us to their belief system.

However, I think the author is missing the point that non-believers often make when we see examples of "rude Christians:" See, the rude ones are essentially doing what their god has called them to do. I'm not going to sit here and say that the nice Christians aren't "true Christians--" I will save assertions like those for others to make. I'm saying that the "nice Christians" have tuned out parts of the bible that portray their god in a negative light, thereby ignoring the chance to reason objectively about their own beliefs.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Further Descent

Today, I happened upon a post for people suffering from depression and anxiety. My advice? Find counseling. Focus on harmful patterns in thinking and how to correct them.

The blog that I stumbled upon suggested counseling as well--number nine on a list of actions that included prayer, worship, and Scripture. Basically for these people, if you are suffering from mental illness you need to focus on a delusion, not helping yourself.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Order of Defiance

Today, I read an article about the breaking of a man's faith.

This man, frontman for (the formerly) Christian metalcore band Order of Elijah, encountered drug use and abuse during his life. He then found the church and changed his ways, went through a painful divorce, and fell back into his own habits. After climbing back to square one, he began to question his faith--and broke from it after reading The God Delusion.

I have heard many people of faith claim that when one is dealing with problems in their life (namely addictions) they have simply turned to these things because they're trying to "fill the emptiness" within their life--an emptiness that can truly be filled by the holy spirit.

I say this is partially true. For this man and others, one addiction was traded for another. I contend that once he bounced back from his relapse (and kudos to him for doing so) he truly began to reflect on his life choices and what he would need to do to change things for the better.

I say that to make a positive change in life, one needs to attack the source of distress that they feel--not cover it up with drugs or fantasies.

Monday, May 23, 2016


Currently watching a documentary about Indochinan wildlife--absolutely beautiful! It's amazing how such diversity is brought about from isolation. 

It's films like this which make me wonder how one cannot see at least aspects of evolution at work. 

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Emotional Rationing

Today, I worked open to close and I will be doing the same tomorrow. I would, however, like to share this poignant quote with you all.

Saturday, May 21, 2016


I'm taking a hiatus from the blog tonight due to unforseen circumstances. Thank you to those who read my blog!

Friday, May 20, 2016

Chirping Crickets

Today, I happened upon this picture on Joshua Feuerstein's page.

From the looks of this picture, that "something" is going to be a dirty diaper (maybe even one with a cross in it!)

Thursday, May 19, 2016

The Source

Today, I had a discussion on The Book of Faces with a theist.

While I am happy that the discussion allowed me to better "hash out" my own views on morality personally, I wish that there had been more...substance. I hoped I helped encourage him to think critically. Perhaps he is experiencing some internal discourse of his own.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Nothing Really Matters...To Me

Today, I've had so many thoughts racing through my head with Bohemian Rhapsody playing in the background. Earlier, I stumbled upon this post on The Book of Faces:

Aww. Here I thought I was making a difference in the world. Shucks. 

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Stuck Between Barack and a Hard Place

Today, I read an article about the Obama administration's mandate toward public schools in regards to fair treatment of transgender students under Title IX.

Some are angry, the article suggests, because the federal government will withhold funding from schools which do not comply with these standards. Additionally, the administration's interpretation of "sex" in Title IX includes gender identity--however, sex and gender (at least the way I studied the concepts in college) are two different constructs. 

I do not agree with the federal government's ultimatum, especially it it could adversely affect students (especially students who are already enmeshed in a system which teaches pseudoscience and illogical thinking, as suggested by these quotes from the article);

" '[Obama] says he is going to withhold funding if schools do not follow the policy. Well, in Texas he can keep his 30 pieces of silver. We will not yield to blackmail from the president of the United States,' Patrick said. He went on to suggest that if the administration did withhold funds, low-income students who rely on free breakfasts and lunches would be the most affected."

"He called the guidelines for accommodating trans students 'the biggest issue facing families and schools in America since prayer was taken out of public schools.' "

I do think the administration should have approached this situation differently, focusing on lawmakers/government officials in states that do not comply with these standards and not threatening to withhold school funding on a loose interpretation of an anti-discrimination law. That being said, I think that if the primary concern of officials were the welfare of students, they would 1. research transgender issues and 2. comply with the standards so that their schools would have guaranteed funding. Unfortunately, it seems that lack of education is harming those who are trying to further theirs. 

Monday, May 16, 2016

In Another's Shoes

Today has been a long day and I have quite a bit to do tonight. But I would like to share this post written by a Christian pastor who is trying to understand what it means for someone to be transgender.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

I Could Have Stopped This

Today, I happened upon this post on The Book of Faces.

The author talks of the tree which would later be used to crucify Jesus Christ, and muses as to whether or not the original god contemplated the creation of that tree.

In my own contemplation of this, I wonder: "If such a god existed...why not create a universe in which none of this blood sacrifice is needed?"

The Christian may reply: "God wants us to have free will. To be able to choose." Okay. But if this god is all-powerful, as you claim, could he/she have not created a universe in which we can have free will without the need for this sacrifice?

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Into the Abyss

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is collecting data on the Marianas Trench--and giving the world a chance to explore with them.

They're streaming live video feed of the expedition--portions of the expeditions are simply part of the cruise around different points, but parts will consist of the actual dives! Additionally, viewers can rewind the video up to three hours before they began streaming. 

Friday, May 13, 2016

And the Beat Goes On

Today, I had the wonderful opportunity to teach residents at work how to play the drums. 

With all the stressful things going on (end-of-semester scrambling, "work," work, family happenings, etc.) planning for the lesson almost felt like another chore. I passed out last night after creating a playlist and writing out the lesson steps and completely forgetting to write a blog post. When I arrived at the home earlier today, there was even more to be done--things were missing--and it was a bit of a mess. 

I was about to get stressed out again...but I just decided to let it go and have fun with the lesson, even if it wasn't going to go exactly as I had planned it. And we all had fun! The residents did an amazing job too--and most of them wanted to come back and do another lesson. Who would have thought that something which initially felt like just another stressor would be one of the highlights of my week, all because of a shift in perception? 

That Word...I Do Not Think it Means What You Think it Means

I came across this post yesterday.

Let me get this straight...the god of peace is gonna...crush someone. Uh-huh.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016


My internet is down, and I had some things I had to have sent tonight. So this post will be short and sweet and powered by 4G LTE data. I love satirical articles such as this one, especially when they are appreciated by Christians and secular folks alike.

So this was the only photo on my phone that actually sort of applied to this post. I really like it, actually.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Praise Mesus

Today has been a long day, and I'm celebrating by watching Deadpool with my babe. I would, however, like to share this amusing meme with you all.

You'd think he'd depict...Jesus. Or something. 

Monday, May 9, 2016

You Jump to That Conclusion!

Today, I came a across this video.

The creator of this video talks of certain "constants," (such as gravitational pull) and how they seem to be "fine-tuned" (E.g. if constant X were just a hair off, life in our universe would not be possible). For one, I think (mind you, I have studied physics but am in no way a physicist) that if there was such a universe in which one of these constants were "a hair" off, that universe would be vastly different from ours...something we couldn't even imagine because we are so used to, well, this one. The video provides evidence for these constants but does not (and probably could not) provide evidence for the complete non-sustainability of  life given a situation in which a constant was not the way it is in this universe.

Additionally, the video makes a point that if the gravitational pull constant were just a hair off, our universe would either a. expand too quickly or b. collapse back on itself--and this type of universe could not support any type of life. But how is "too quickly" defined? Compared to the age of our universe, we are but a tiny blip on the timeline.

Saturday, May 7, 2016


Today, I read a news story about an alleged voyeur in a Target changing room.

If he truly committed this act, I hope the justice system punishes him to the fullest extent of the law.
However, many news sites are using this story to further the "Target is endangering our children!" narrative. I thought about this myself. Perhaps Target did take this too far in terms of lack of planning for proper staff as far as security is concerned. 

However, Target's support of transgender folks using the bathroom/fitting room which matches their gender identity is likely not the reason for this alleged voyeur's actions. Unfortunately, voyeurs act on their impulses no matter the circumstance, like:
this Reebok outlet voyeur from earlier this year  (male employee in a female fitting room), 
this Kohl's voyeur from 2013 (male employee in a female fitting room), 
and I personally know of a case of voyeurism myself that a friend from college told me about and I subsequently looked up, but I won't post any details on that one (hint, it wasn't at Target, it was someone who lured people into a "safe space"), 
and another one committed by a member of my family (who will remain nameless, for obvious reasons). 

Perhaps the message here is that we need to increase security in fitting room areas, and awareness in other aspects of life. 

Friday, May 6, 2016

Let Them Choose!

Today, I read an article about a would-be event for dads who wanted to "marry off" their young.

It was a troubling story, and while I commend the Salvation Army for not allowing this event on Salvation Army property, I am sure it will happen elsewhere. At best, it's forced marriage (though the group adamantly denies this. (Look at the top of the page to see what I mean). At worst, it's human trafficking. It's horrible that this group is out there, and it seems every time I look at something different on the page I see something less and less logical, less and less allowing others their due freedom. 

In the page linked above, the group talks about the "evils" of someone who was a part of a group like theirs but was sent to a "Godless" college and changed their beliefs. I can't imagine what it's like for people--children--who are still a part of this cult. 

Thursday, May 5, 2016


Today, I am absolutely exhausted. But I came across this poignant meme that I would like to share:

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

A New Perspective

Today, I read an article which detailed a different theory as to how diseases like Alzheimer's originate.

According to the article, mice bred to have neurological problems had a protein present in many of their fully-formed neurons--a protein that is generally only expressed to signal cells to "get rid of" those neurons. This process, when it works correctly, is known as synaptic pruning--and it helps our brains not become "overloaded" with too much unnecessary information. When this synaptic pruning goes awry, it may result in illnesses such as schizophrenia and Alzheimer's. 

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Out of the Frying Pan

Today, I stumbled upon this video. I encourage you to watch it, especially if you have a penchant for diet sodas. The introduction is quite long, but it's worth the wait.

Monday, May 2, 2016


There are (in my opinion) a million reasons to love Patrick Stewart--and this is one of them.

A champion for women's rights and the rights of abuse victims, Patrick also fights for the "flip side of the coin" in his situation growing up--mental health and its effect on relationships. This is not to say that every perpetrator of abuse is suffering from a mental disorder. In this case, however, Stewart's father had PTSD, which can result in angry outbursts on the part of the person with the disorder. It could have been easy for Patrick to resent his father and simply ignore any underlying causes, but he didn't. 

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Come Together, Right Now

Today, I stumbled upon a counter-petition  for those of us who wish to support Target's decision! Check it out!

Saturday, April 30, 2016


Ten hours today and a double tomorrow, so I will share a poignant meme with you all (pardon the french):

Friday, April 29, 2016

Consciousness Continuum

Today, a friend told me about an article in Scientific American about a possible new way to measure consciousness, even in seemingly vegetative people.

This method relies on electromagnetic stimulation--as areas of the brain are stimulated, the resulting brain activity is measured. If only one area of the brain is shown to be active, it can be assumed that the brain is truly not capable of any sort of truly conscious activity. Likewise, if too much activity in too many areas is shown, the same can be assumed. 

However, this method is still in its infancy and further testing is needed to make the assertion that this is, in fact, a measure of consciousness. How does one accurately measure one's awareness of their surroundings if they cannot acknowledge their surroundings?

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Vitamin D

Today, my students and I went outside.

It was lovely out, and I feel like we all deserved a little break. That was 9th hour.

In my 10th hour, I had a couple students almost get into a physical altercation at the very beginning of class. But we diffused the situation, and I feel like I handled it better after having been able to soak up some sun than I would have otherwise.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

It Comes in Waves

Today was...I have no words for it.

So I'm watching a beautiful film about oceans, soaking my feet, and taking a bit of a break tonight (still need to plan lessons, fill out some forms and send some e-mails). 

If you're curious about the film, it's on Netflix and it is called "Moving Art: Oceans." It's seriously really calming. 

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Trying to Open the Bottle

Today, I had one of my classes try a brief group reading.

The material was a bit difficult, as it came from an A.P. book--the reading was Edgar Allan Poe's "MS in a Bottle." (I figured Poe was appropriate reading, as there was a raging thunderstorm outside). Unfortunately, we didn't get too far into the short story--while some of my students loved the difficult material and had questions for it, some seemed to just give up on the "boring" reading and said that they "could not relate to it."

I wonder why this is. I don't think there is much of a difference between the engaged students and the "bored" students as far as reading/comprehension ability. Perhaps some individuals have a tendency to not "delve deeper." Or perhaps I should have encouraged them more. Perhaps they were making an effort mentally but giving me a different story verbally. It could be that some students react to difficult material by asking questions, and some react by acting bored or frustrated.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Well This is Awkward

Tonight, I had to take a test for work and I still have some lesson planning to finish up--so I'm going to share this image that a good friend of mine shared on The Book of Faces.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Rise Star Church

Today, I read about a mentally ill man who has been wandering the streets of Edwardsville, IL.

I am not going to pretend to know exactly what is going on in this man's head, but from the looks of his facebook page it is obvious that he is completely disconnected from reality, with symptoms that suggest schizophrenia. 

The horrible thing is that his delusions center around this narrative (as far as I can tell at this point): he is the high priest of a church and looking for a "bride," one who must be a child who wears green. He believes that it is okay to have sexual relations with children wearing green to cure them of some ailment--he believes that this helps them. 

I want to make this clear--just because someone has schizophrenia does not mean that they will become a pedophile. This man probably suffers from comorbid schizophrenia and pedophilia, and he rationalizes his urges through his delusions. Most people who suffer from schizophrenia are only a danger to themselves, not others. 

However, this man is dangerous. I read a comment just now saying that he has been arrested, but I can't find any confirmation of the arrest in the news. If you live in this area, please be wary. If I can confirm the arrest, I will comment it on this post. Here is a picture of him:

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Do As I Do, and As I Say

Today was a long day at work, and I have another long day tomorrow--so this post will be short and sweet.

I feel this is a good reminder even if you are not a teacher. It is impossible to truly know what others are going through when you encounter them, however brief that encounter may be--so let's be kind.