Saturday, March 12, 2016

Don't Type So Close to Me

Why do people feel as if being online allows them to act differently towards people than if they were to be having a discussion in person? Probably, for one, because they cannot see the facial expressions of the person with whom they are speaking. Research suggests that viewing and the subsequent unconscious mimicry of facial expressions/nonverbal gestures can help people see and even agree with the viewpoints of others.

In the end, however, it is still a person's choice to be rude or even creepy, the latter I encountered in a random stranger on the internet. A friend of mine had a friend who had decided for some reason to "poke" me and several others on Facebook. My friend told me that all he ever did was try to get in her pants. This irritated me, so I decided to do something about it. (This was awhile ago, but I was reminded by it due to some articles I had read by ladies who had been harassed on various social networks).

Notice the immediate neediness. "You busy?"
He obviously didn't understand what I was saying.

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