Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Mr. Corporate Cookie-Cutter Strikes Again

There are many things at work that cause me to make this face.

However, one comment in particular resulted in the previous face, plus....

Allow me to explain. For those of you who have been following my blog, you may remember me making mention of a certain new director that we have at the nursing home. Not only did he reek of corporate greed with a stench that would have caused even Mr. Krabs to cringe in horror, but he just creeped me out. Now he creeps me out even more, and to be honest makes me pretty irate. 

I was helping wash dishes in the kitchen when Mr. Corporate walked by and smiled his trademark plastic smile, saying "Thank you!" "Yep," I replied, not wanting to continue any further conversation. Another coworker said to Mr. Corporate, "She's great, isn't she?" (This coworker appreciates my work ethic, and has pointed this out on numerous occasions). "Yes..." replied Mr. Corporate, "best-looking dishwasher I've seen in all my thirty years [being in a managerial position]." 

Cue my anger, and my coworker whispering "...weird..." as he walked by me following that...debacle.

Firstly, that comment was extremely inappropriate for anyone to say in the workplace, let alone someone in a managerial position. Secondly, it's just degrading that to him, my presence there can be distilled down into my looks. Nevermind that they dump the work of two, sometimes three people on me. Nevermind that I have ideas and concerns (which usually end up being shut down now that Mr. Corporate is here...I may get into that story with another post). As long as I have a pretty face, that's all irrelevant. 

I did go to someone about his comment. That person has yet to discuss the situation with him. Frankly, I don't think he will. 

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