Sunday, March 13, 2016

Trumpdy Dumpty

You most likely have heard about Trump's cancelled Chicago rally.

The New York Times reports that Trump was quoted as saying he "didn't want anyone getting hurt" at the rally, and this was his reason for cancelling. However, CNN reported not that long ago that Donald Trump said that he would like to "punch a protester in the face." In addition, Trump has been quoted as saying that his solution to the ISIS problem is to "bomb the sh*t out of them."

So why is he suddenly turning peaceful?
To make the protesters look violent, of course. The New York Times even spoke of "violence" at the potential rally, but in the article itself only mentions a couple "skirmishes" and incidents of police wielding batons and causing injuries with said batons.

I won't even get into the inaccuracy of Donald Trump claiming that First Amendment rights were being violated. If you cannot see past that, then I probably won't get through to you anyway.

Instead, let me take you all through some more reasons why Trump is a person of poor integrity and character.

Here are 9 examples of Trump being racist.

Justifying military sexual assault. 

The list goes on and on. Please do not vote for this person. 

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