Friday, March 18, 2016

Two By Two Equals Fish?

Today, a friend sent me an article about plans for a billboard. Not just any billboard, though.

A group which calls themselves "The Tri-State Freethinkers" set up a GoFundMe campaign to raise money for a billboard advertising Ken Ham's "Ark Encounter."

This advertisement has a bit of a creative twist, however.

I am on the fence about this. On one hand, it's honest. Yes, we believe that the story of Noah's Ark is a myth. How could he fit two of every animal on the ark? Why did God have to flood the earth to rid it of all the immoral people (which, however way you want to dress it, is still mass murder). The questions are virtually endless. 

But Ken Ham (and those who support him) will probably just see this as us atheists trying to infringe upon their good work and "bash" Christians. Will it cause some to question? Probably a few. But what will they do after this questioning? It will likely create uncomfortable cognitive dissonance, and then those who support the creation story will "jump back" to their original belief and distance themselves further mentally--and possibly lash out at--us atheists/humanists. Then again, perhaps it will take messages like this to show people of faith how we view stories of the Bible. 

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