Sunday, March 20, 2016

Gray Jedi

My fiance has recently come out as agnostic--or as he likes to describe it, a "Gray Jedi."

I guess that would make me a Sith. I'm okay with this. 
You might expect for me to be overjoyed--but I'm not. I mean, it's nice for me to not only have a wonderful man, but to know that this wonderful man truly understands the way I think. At the same time, I know that this is probably causing him a great deal of stress. He's shed an old way of thinking, something that I know from personal experience is not an easy task. It's extremely uncomfortable.

The news saddened my mother as well. I know that she believes that my fiance and I will be going to a place of eternal torture if we don't change our ways of thinking. She said to me after I told her: "Oh....and I have been praying for him too!" She then paused and a look of determination came over her: "I just need to pray harder!" Not only do I feel bad for her sadness, but I feel bad that she has taken this personal task based on (in my view) mythology as her own personal mission, something weighing on her. I mean, can you imagine? Feeling partially responsible for the eternal damnation of another?

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