Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Telepathy to the Imaginary

I came across this picture today.

Aside from the poor grammar, I have a problem with this post. A couple, actually--one being the depiction of a child at the top. Yes let us all teach our children that this is the one true way! No other possibilities whatsoever. 

I have a question for the creator of this post: how exactly does prayer "work?" Does god have some sort of filing system, or is it one of those pick-a-card-from-a-hat deals? I have a feeling that if prayer worked, this world would be a lot different. What does work? Action and, well, work. If you want something (realistic) done, do it. If it's something unrealistic, I'm sorry to say that you will need to accept it. Denial only works for so long. 

It's not just people of faith who hold closed-minded attitudes like these, however. And they're more common than you might think. If one holds onto something mentally for so long and someone provides them with evidence that flies directly in the face of that belief, it is very difficult to simply let that belief go. The thing is, one has to be able to say "I am wrong," or at least concede the possibility of being wrong. It's, in my opinion, narcissistic to say otherwise. 

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