Sunday, March 27, 2016

He is Raisin

Happy Zombie Jesus Day!

The Easter celebration is, in my opinion, another way to further enmesh people of faith in this idea that they are "unworthy sinners in need of redemption." Think about it. The message here is:

You are full of sin. All humans are.
Jesus came, lived, taught, and was tortured brutally because we are all sinners. He carried our sin for us. 
So you need to accept him.

The latent message here being: seriously?!? He suffered!! He went through so much just for you!! And you are thinking of rejecting him??

When you think about it, what happened was that God was just tired of animal sacrifices and just wanted a human one. A sacrifice by his own son. Who is also him? But he forsook him when he was sacrificed because of all of the sin that he was "carrying--" since god cannot look upon sin. But he can be in the presence of Satan...who is sin incarnate.

Because reasons.

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