Friday, March 11, 2016

I Didn't Know You Could Resurrect a Movie Too

God's Not Dead 2 is in the works. I saw the trailer for it today.

If you would like to view it, I have embedded the link above--but I will spare you if you would rather not. It feels a great deal like an action/suspense movie in which the underdogs, the Christians, are having their freedoms slowly taken away by the villains, the atheists and secular humanists. The protagonist, a teacher, mentions a Bible verse in class and suddenly her job is in question and her life is in turmoil because of these horrid people.

I like to keep discussions in class open-minded, so I have mentioned Bible verses in my classroom on numerous occasions. And I am a secular humanist. Nobody came after my job or threatened me in any way. I have had teachers in high school who mentioned Biblical concepts and even asserted that these concepts were true--and I went to public school!

I think the makers of this movie are confusing secular groups' wishes for separation of church and state in law and science especially as a "war on Christianity." This is not the case. I want everyone to believe what they wish, as long as they do not force their beliefs on others or cause others harm because of them. We are not trying to "wage war." We are trying to make sure that certain groups do not have too much power and influence in the lives of others.

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