Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Okay, 'Bye.

Mr. Corporate Creep and my supervisor had a talk with me today.

Mr. Corporate Creep "apologized."

Why the quotes? I'm glad you asked.

Mr. Corporate Creep said that he was sorry and that sometimes his "jokes" were a little *made weird gesture that didn't really say anything other than the usual bullshit.*
He went on to say that he was sorry that the joke wasn't taken in the best way.
Cue my anger.
He said that it's his way of telling me that I'm a hard worker.
Last I checked, productivity and looks are not correlated. 
He then chuckled and said that he would have to apologize to another coworker, because he had made the same comment to her. He made it sound like a chore.

That night, he quadruple-sat my section even though there were plenty of tables in other sections. I don't know if he did this as "punishment" or if he's just really that clueless when it comes to seating (although given that he has "30 years experience in the restaurant business," I doubt it).

Needless to say, I'm looking for another job.

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